Weatherization & Insulation
Why weatherize your home?
Most experts say that caulking and weather-stripping any visible gaps will pay for themselves in energy savings if installed correctly. Caulking and weatherstripping will also alleviate drafts and help your home feel warmer when it’s cold outside. However, these two weatherization techniques can’t replace the need for proper insulation throughout your home.
You may already know where some air leakage occurs in your home, such as an under-the-door draft that makes you want to put on some socks. However, you probably need the professionals to search in order to find the less obvious gaps.

Why Do You Need To Properly
Insulate Your House?
Heating and cooling account for 50 to 70% of the energy used in the average American home. Inadequate insulation and air leakage are leading causes of energy waste in most homes. Insulation and weatherization of your home or business will help you save money by saving energy while improving the comfort of your space. Davis Services offers multiple options to seal your home or business, including but not limited to attic insulation, floor insulation, and crawl space management.
Attic space is sealed with stabilized cellulose insulation.
Flooring is sealed with
R-19 batt insulation.
Crawl space management includes vapor barrier, vapor seal, and crawl space dehumidification systems. Davis Services also focuses on penetration sealing including caulk around electrical, plumbing, and HVAC penetrations. Our technicians will also check your wood moisture levels.
Benefits of insulating your home
Saves money and our nation’s limited energy resources.
Once the energy savings have paid for the installation cost, energy conserved is money saved – and saving energy will be even more important as utility rates go up.
The amount of energy you conserve will depend on several factors: your local climate; the size, shape, and construction of your house; the living habits of your family; the type and efficiency of the heating and cooling systems; and the fuel you use.
Makes your house more comfortable by helping to maintain a uniform temperature throughout the house, and makes walls, ceilings, and floors warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.